The game I chose for this assignment is Free Rice. This game is funded by the United Nations World Food Programme, and allows individuals to answer questions in various school subjects. In addition to answering questions and earning points, for each correct answer the player gets 10 grains of rice are donated to children in need of food across the world. Students are able to answer questions covering subjects such as SAT prep, Chemistry, English and Math. The game is very easy to play, as it is all in a multiple choice format, requiring the player to just click on their correct answer.
If I'm not careful, this game will steal hours out of my day, but I love playing it. It is so addictive to play, getting questions correct and seeing how many levels I can accomplish and bowls of rice I've given away. Playing Free Rice gives me the opportunity to learn new things (I really have to brush up on knowing quotations and Chemistry elements) and most of all, help others. I enjoy every opportunity I get to help others, so this game is really enjoyable to me. Free Rice also provides me with an interesting way to present humanitarianism to teenagers.